Does your business need a Ferrari for its electronic trading? FIX Antenna C++ is the highest performing FIX engine in existence. With its ability to process over 100,000 messages per second on a single CPU, you no longer need big, expensive infrastructure to handle the most challenging market conditions. Furthermore, our FIX Engines are equipped with a rich UI for monitoring session statuses and parameters  in real time  on  desktop app or  web browser.

All our engines come at a fixed annual cost. There are NO additional charges, no message fees, no message limits, no charge for different operating systems, no charge for high availability, no charge for routing capability, no charge for persistent storage, no charge for our basket trading module. What you see is what you pay for.


Choose your FIX Engine

Windows / Linux based


  Advanced Features

Learn about our FIX connectivity solution based on FIX application server FIXEdge and its performance.

Learn about 'Upgrade your FIX engine' program - up to 1 year free.


24x7 support

Worldwide coverage

All libraries/servers are pre-configured for and certified with multiple exchanges


FIX Antenna and FIXEdge Features

Feature FIX Antenna FIXEdge
Library check icon  
Stand-alone application   check icon
Windows OS check icon check icon
Linux OS check icon check icon
Solaris OS check icon  
x32 check icon check icon
x64 check icon check icon
Windows cluster   check icon
Linux cluster   check icon
FIX 4.0-5.0 check icon check icon
Multiple FIX sessions check icon check icon
Standard FIX routing (OnBehalfOf + DeliverTo) check icon check icon
Store to DBMS   check icon
FAST check icon check icon
FIX dialects support check icon check icon
FIXML support check icon check icon
All asset classes check icon check icon
Sessions-initiators check icon check icon
Sessions-acceptors check icon check icon
Customizable message validation check icon check icon
Message encryption check icon check icon
Login/password encryption check icon check icon
Recovery after failure check icon check icon
Persistent sessions check icon check icon
Transient sessions check icon check icon
Later delivery when connection is not established check icon check icon
Reject message when connection is not established check icon check icon
Remote administration interface check icon check icon
C++ API check icon  
Java API check icon  
.NET API check icon  
MQ API   check icon
COM API   check icon
Sockets API   check icon
TIBCO API   check icon
JMS API check icon check icon
CORBA API   check icon
HTTPs API (CME ClearPort specific)   check icon
SMTP notifications   check icon
SNMP monitoring   check icon
FIX integrated control center check icon check icon
FIX integrated control center H2 check icon check icon
Built-in rule engine (message transformation, message routing)   check icon
Convert between FIX versions   check icon
FIX/FIXML conversion check icon check icon
Low latency check icon check icon
High throughput check icon check icon
Reset sequence number on each Logon (ICE mode) check icon check icon
Ignore sequence number too low at Logon check icon check icon
Backup connections check icon check icon
Username and password in Logon check icon check icon
Scheduler   check icon
Pre-configured to work with multiple exchanges check icon check icon
CME Globex market data interface check icon check icon

Software escrow is available on demand.